Thursday, 13 October 2011

Dallas 2012 Trailer analysis

Trailer uses a non-diegetic sound track - Edits with the beat.
Lots of short clips used, almost like a montage.
Not much dialogue needed to explain the main story line.
Slightly modified iconic soundtrack, recognisable.
Several family fude story lines been edited together.
2 generations arguing over the same thing, older characters offer continuity to older viewers and new younger characters attract in younger, fresh audiences.
Starts with the helicopter shot from the title sequence of the original
faded cuts give it a glamours feel
CU of JR's watch and hands, to show hes aged since the last one, then cuts to close ups of the preexisting characters
shot reverse shot showing the two sons of the original characters- audience presume its there sons as they are arguing over the same thing.
symmetrical shot of the two sons
"my whole life I've been trying to put the Ewinging name back on top" - gives audience an idea of what has been happening since the last series of the show
Slow zoom into the original house to show that it hasnt changed since they left.
"Bobby was always a fool" old rivalry's from the old show are still existant
"I'm sick to death of this family devouring itself over money"
these title cards tell the story to the veiwers

A2 preliminary task, Nangreave Road trailer.

This is my preliminary task of my soap trailer, this is done to practise my skills of using a camera and getting the idea of what our real trailer is going to be like to film and edit.